Privacy Policy2024-01-11T09:21:14+01:00

This page describes our policies regarding the collection, process, use, and disclosure of the users’ personal data. By using this website service(s), you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.


The informative is provided pursuant to the art. 13 of Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, n. 196 (“Privacy Code”), the European Regulation n. 679 of 2016 (the “Privacy Regulation”), the Provision no. 229 of 2014 of the Personal Data Protection Authority (entitled “Identification of the rules for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies”), as well as the Recommendation no. 2 /2001 adopted under the art. 29 of the Directive n. 95/46 / CE, to Symposia Srl web service users.

Symposia Srl (hereinafter referred to as the “Holder” or “Symposia”) wants to inform users about the use of their personal data, log files, and cookies collected while surfing the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), while subscribing Symposia newsletter service (hereinafter, the “Newsletter”) and /or using other services provided by the processor (hereinafter “Other services”) described in details in the following paragraph: “Types of data and purpose of processing”.

The information is provided for Symposia Srl website only and not for another website eventually browsed via link. The collected data will be processed in accordance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, and privacy and rights protection of the data subject.

The Controller

During or following the use of this website, the data on identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The “owner” of their processing is Symposia Srl, located in Via Augusto Riboty, 21 00195 Rome (Italy), Fiscal Code: 08521040587 – VAT n. 02078261001, phone +39 06 397725540, fax +39 06 397725541 and e-mail

Data processing Place

The data processing operations connected to this website take place at the above-mentioned location and are handled only by personnel in charge of data processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.

The personal data provided by users submitting specific requests are used for the only purpose of carrying out the service or the performance required and they are reported to third parties only if necessary for the same purpose.

We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

Types of data and purpose of processing

Navigation data

The computer systems and the software procedures operating this website during their normal function collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated with identified interests, but by their very nature, through development processing and association with data held by third parties, could allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes IP addresses or computer domain names used by the website users, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computer environment, such as the type of browser and device parameters used for connect to the Site and the name of the Internet service provider (ISP).

Further information on the user’s browsing – such as the ones listed below – can also be collected:

  • date and time of visit
  • origin (referral) and exit web pages
  • the number of clicks within one or more pages of the site.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check /improve its functioning.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on the Ram or the hard disk of your computer every time you visit a website. Our website uses cookies in order to recognize and keep track of visitors, to ensure them quicker website access, and to change its contents in accordance with their preferences. Cookies do not allow the visited site to have access to any other data on the users’ computers.

Our site uses “technical” cookies. Moreover, our site runs some services that install third-party cookies such as Google Analytics, which uses analytical cookies. For more information on the Google Privacy Policy please visit

Data voluntary provided by the user

The optional, explicit, and voluntary e-mail submission to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address – necessary to answer requests – as well as of the personal data contained in the message. On the website, it is possible to subscribe to our Newsletter. By filling out the relative form, the user consent to the processing of his/her personal data for the following purposes:

  • to execute the Newsletter service, updating the subscribers on the news and initiatives of Symposia;
  • to invite users to events, seminars, congresses, conferences, refresher training, FAD, training activities etc.;
  • work on the received BID throughout CV sending and the connected staff recruitment process;
  • to meet the administrative and accounting obligations related to the use of the Newsletter and other services (for example, for any requests for information, for complaints, etc.);
  • to meet the legal obligations;
  • to carry out the technical management of the site;
  • to carry out activities of so-called “profiling”, in order to offer users a more specific and customized newsletter service (and possibly other services) customized according to their interests and areas of activity.

The Newsletter and other services can be provided through automated tools (for example, e-mail, SMS, MMS, calls without an operator, etc.).

Data provided by users will be processed mainly with IT tools under the authority of the Data Controller, by persons specifically appointed, authorized, and instructed to the processing pursuant to art. 30 of the Privacy Code and articles 28 and 29 of the Privacy Regulation. Suitable security measures will also be observed, also pursuant to art. 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use, and unauthorized access.

Categories of personal data recipients

For the purposes mentioned above, personal data can be made accessible:

  • to public authorities, where this is required by law or upon their request;
  • to the employees and collaborator of the Controller, in their quality of designated authorized to data processing;
  • to third parties who perform organizational support activities on behalf of the Data Controller, in their quality of controllers.

These subjects are required to the data processing policy under the law and the regulations applicable, ensuring their security and confidentiality. They will be also required to undertake not to use nor to disclose the data for purposes other than necessary for the supply/provision of the requested service.

Data processing mode and responsible

Personal data are processed with automated and non-automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected.

Specific security measures are adopted in order to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use, and unauthorized access.

For the provision of the different services offered, compliance with the European privacy legislation is guaranteed as follows:

  • data processing for the event subscription take place through the management software SEM 2000 (all information available at this link);
  • data processing for administrative and accounting operations take place through the management software TeamSystem (more information available at this link);
  • data processing for the Newsletter issue and for information to participants registered to the events promoted or carried out by Symposia takes place via the web-based platform MailChimp (all the information available at:;

Voluntary nature of data release

Except as specified regarding the web browsing data, the user can provide personal data whenever requested in dedicated site sections.

The non-provision of the data may, however, result in the inability to accomplish the requested service(s).

For the purposes of issuing the Newsletter – as well as for the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph – the release of personal data by users is a necessary condition for providing the service(s) that the user subscribed to.

Regarding the other services, data release is not mandatory but optional to the purposes described above.

The lack of consent exclusively implies the impossibility of receiving the services, as well as receiving the Newsletter – and possibly other services – more specific in relation to their interests and areas of activity.

With reference to the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, the legal basis of the processing is the provision of the Newsletter, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the Privacy Policy. With reference, however, to the other purposes set out in the same paragraph, the legal basis of the data processing is the users’ consent, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter an of the Privacy Regulation.

Treatment Duration

Without prejudice to legal obligations, the users’ personal data will be stored for a specified period determined on the basis of the Newsletter issue duration and/or other possible services, as well as on the need for judicial protection of rights.

In any case, the storage duration will meet current legal data retention requirements – provided that users have not requested prior cancellation.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Symposia may retain certain personal users’ data even after the request for termination of treatment and this exclusively to defend or assert its own right, or in the cases provided for by law or by order of judicial or administrative authority.

Security measures

Through the site, the users’ personal data are processed in compliance with the applicable law and pursuant to art. 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation, using appropriate security measures to prevent data loss, unauthorized access, or illicit or incorrect use such as theft, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction such as the adoption of appropriate security measures.

Data Transmission

In addition to the categories – and related purposes – mentioned above, the collected data could be transmitted to the Italian Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology (AIPS) and/or its Divisions. With this exception, personal data will not be subjected to disclosure.

Rights of the data subject

Pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code and s.m.i. and referred to in art. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21 of the Privacy Regulation, the subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right – at any time – to:

  • obtain confirmation on whether or not the same data exist;
  • know its content and origin, verify its accuracy, request its integration, updating or correction;
  • request its cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law;
  • oppose in any case – for legitimate reasons – to their treatment.

These requests must be addressed to the Data Controller.

Communications may be made by sending a written request:

  • by ordinary post, at the address indicated in the paragraph dedicated to the Data Controller;
  • by e-mail at the address:

Amendments to the Privacy policy

This information is subject to changes by the Data Controller.

Symposia will communicate any changes to users by e-mail, with adequate notice compared to the date of application of the new information.


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